Our factory is now open to the public! Browse our full catalogue, shop samples, and get your custom measurements taken by our in-house tailor.
Notre adresse / Our address:
1625 Chabanel West, Suite #430
Montreal, Quebec H4N 2S7
View Google Map
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm (after 4pm by appointment only)
Saturday: 8am - 1pm (call to confirm that we are open)
Sunday: Closed
Toll-Free: 1-877-530-2847
Local: 514-279-4547
If you have any questions about our products or prices, give us a call toll-free at 1-877-530-2847 or 514-279-4547. We'll be more than happy to provide you with information or help you with placing an order. You can also e-mail us or send us a message using the form on this page.